Do you know anyone running out of ideas (that don't involve Netflix or the latest computer game app) for keeping the younger ones occupied at home?
With the whole world in various stages of lockdown and/or vaccination delays, it can be almost impossible to come up with new and innovative ways to keep younger children happily occupied.
And I don't know about you, but there's only so much gaming 'noise' I can handle before I seriously consider converting the garage into a 'lady-cave'.
Much has been written and said about the benefits of journaling, so why not introduce the concept to the next generation as well?
This was the inspiration for the latest product release: a journaling tool for younger children.
My First Journal Template
Our beautifully designed My First Journal will introduce your younger audience to the gentle art of journaling.
The 30 page journal has a mixture of creative writing, coloring and drawing pages, and will fire the imagination with journal prompts.
The journal prompts help direct the activity, and will improve the skills of memory recall, descriptive writing, and using the imagination.
There is plenty of space available for drawing and coloring as well.
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What you will receive
Your product will be delivered as a Canva template, which you then copy into your Canva account and can be edited/customized according to your preferences and branding.
Your template comes with Commercial Use/Personal Label Rights.
After exiting the Shopping Cart, you will receive a PDF Download Page which contains a link to the Canva Template.
If needed, please use the Coupon Code: BBASH60 for the Checkout process. (Please note, the last Coupon number is a zero.)
Terms of use
What you can do with your product
- Can be used to create a product (to be distributed in pdf form with personal use rights).
- Can be edited and rebranded.
- Can be added to an eCourse or autoresponder as content.
- Can be added to an eBook/PDF as content.
- Can be given away.
- Can be packaged.
- Can be offered as a bonus.
- Claim full authorship.
What you can't do with your product
- Can't be submitted to article directories.
- Can't be used in Kindle books
- Can't sell with PLR Rights
- Can't offer Master Resell Rights
- Can't be offered through auction sites.
- Can't be shared (individually or as part of a pack) in template form.